Thursday, December 23, 2010

Job Search Tips

During my hunt for a Nursing gig, I found a few things I would like to share, some "tips" you could say.

#1 - Make a Word document containing Names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of employment, and a brief summary of your duties for each of your past employers.

The Internet is great but by the time you have looked up names/addresses of your past employers 18 times you realize it is just wasting some of your precious time.

#2 - Make another Word document with your references, 3 professional and 2 personal, their addresses and phone numbers as well as company they work for and position.

Nothing would be more embarrassing than having a reference but not their correct phone number, you want to look like you know what you are doing.

#3 - Write a cover letter.

This may seem like a no-duh but this helps because you are not only researching the company you are applying for, but many people do not include one and this helps to set you apart.

#4 - Have a list of achievements ready to add to any online application that has an "other" box.

Companies love it when individuals take pride in their success, shared governance committee attendance, and volunteer work.  Just do not include things like 'I <3 puppies'
#5- Find common interview questions and rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!

A confident applicant who has practiced their answers, not in a way that sounds rehearsed, but in a way that shows they took time and effort goes a long way in saying something about your tenacity.

These are just a few tips, more may follow.  I am still thinking of tackling the big "Tell me about areas you need to work on?" question from employers in a blog.

Any questions? Comments? Concerns?  Please feel free to join in the discussion.

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