During my last semester, I spent my Advanced Practicum in the Mental Health setting. I found it personally fulfilling as well as a more comfortable experience than the hectic atmosphere of a Medical/Surgical unit. I had been told by nurses I worked with on medical floors that they never had a chance to really talk with their patients. I got in this field to make a bigger difference than that and with shorter hospital stays and more responsibilities being given to nurses on the floor, I see being a positive change in the personal lives of patients less likely in a medical hospital setting. I think about how I had my first child and that I don't remember any of the nurses who cared for me in the hospital, but I do remember the visiting nurse and the advice and help she gave me all those 13 years ago.
I believe Gandhi said it best, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." I deeply want to work with adolescents and children. I firmly believe children react to their surroundings and are not "bad" inherently. I see these children growing up into adults who never got the help they needed and were never able to cope with whatever trauma fate had handed them. I always said if an adult in my life had stepped in sooner things may have been different. See I was a teen mom who just was looking for love like most people, just far too young and without the proper role modeling at home. Things precipitated those actions and events and I feel if I can help empower and embolden people to take control of their lives, realize they are worth only the best, and help them make better decisions for their lives, I will have fulfilled my purpose.
Nursing is not just about following through with doctor's orders, nursing is about caring for the individual that has been entrusted to your care on a physical, emotional, and psychological level.
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